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Programming team documentation project including Java, WPILIBj, git, GitHub, GitHub Desktop and GitHub org administration.

Repositories Quick Setup Guide

This guide will explain how to create an official team repository and share it with the programming team.

Initial Creation (Required)

Organization Repositories tab

  1. Click New
    Repository Creation Menu
  2. Ensure that the owner is listed as frc6506.

    This ensures that the team can track, look back on, and archive old work.

  3. Give it name- include the project and year. We don’t currently have a set pattern yet.
  4. Give it a description
  5. Set the repository to Public.

    Most FRC doing is not too complex or special, so there is no reason not try to be friendly with others. It also makes it easier to work with others.

  6. Make sure Add a README file is checked. This will present a nice space to make notes on the project.
  7. For WPILib-j projects: Check Add .gitignore and select Java for the .gitignore template.

    This saves bandwidth and storage space by ignoring build optimization files that can easily be generated locally.

  8. Feel free to ignore the Choose a license button, however if you do selected it, FIRST prefers the BSD-3-clause license.
  9. Click Create repository

Initial Setup (Optional)

Turn off things you don’t need/won’t use in Settings > Options. These are designed for if you plan on allot of outside people using and working on your project:

Initial Setup (Required)

Now that you have a repository, you need to prepare it for use by the programming team.

Note that this tutorial assumes one is adding an entire organizational team to the repository instead of adding everyone individually. You can also use these instructions to add other people who are not part of a team quickly, although the Invite teams or people button may move around.

Repository Access Controls

  1. Go to Manage access
  2. Click on Invite teams or people
    Repository Access Control Add Dialog
  3. Search for CORE and select frc6506/core Repository Add and Set Permissions Add Dialog
  4. Select Write to allow all members of the frc6506/CORE (the main programming team) team to write. Don’t worry about admins, organization admins already have access to everything.
  5. Click the green Add frc6506/core to this repository button.

You can now clone the repository to your computers and use it to manage files and versions. See the index for help getting started with git/GitHub on your local computer and FRC coding.

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Updated 20210515T1330 PDT